
Archive for September, 2018

#PEDOPHILE👺 and CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE😖 – a Serious Threat & Terror to every Parent today#

The world is full of Good & Bad and Right & Wrong. Knowing the difference and behaving appropriately is Wisdom😊, but unfortunately, not all want to follow the Wisdom path but rather choose immorality to support & comfort their uncivil erratic blasphemous behavior.

Being a mommy to a toddler, my concern😓 for my childs safety keeps on rapidly increasing on infinite factor’s. My various gimmicks to protect my child is a continuous process. With news and social media flooded with PEDOPHILE’S and CHILD SEXUAL ABUSER my doubts, apprehension and worries are giving me constant distress & uneasiness😓.

An ADULT DESIRING a sexual contact with a prebuscent child especially under the age of 13 irrespective of the gender of the child and then deliberately ACTING upon it, is a PEDOPHILE. They are bloody PSYCHO’S😠 who not only need immediate “Clinical Treatment” but are also entitled to brutal and merciless punishment.
Disastrously😫 our country was not in very good terms when it came to giving punishments to these dreadful creatures but recently there has been a verdict for CAPITAL PUNISHMENT straight away for Pedophiles & Rapists(Conditions applied). Sighhhh🙄🙄
But the danger is not yet outsighted, these child abuser’s are in trillions & gazillions and innocent children are an easy prey to their filthy intentions and desires.
So as a parent or a guardian what do we do to protect our children from this horrendous people🤔.

1) BELIEVE YOUR CHILD👶- Don’t do that mistake of ignoring a child’s complaint in any form. If you, as a parent wouldn’t trust what they say, then who will. How much ever false or made up you think their stories are, be ALERT. That would definitely save a disaster.

2) AWARENESS & EXPLANATION – I know it’s practically impossible to explain🤔 a toddler about a Sexual act, forget about awareness then. Noooo you still would have to work your wits out🤨 to tell them that no one except their mom and dad are allowed to touch their sensitive parts(and that too only in specific situations like bathing & injury) , not even their siblings can touch them there. Tell them a STANGER touching them inappropriately is a Monster Alien👽 who would hurt them, abduct them & take them far away from their Mommy.
If they don’t remember a school assignment is OK but forgetting the above lesson will harm them & their Mommy too. This will at the least make the child a little CAUTIOUS.

3) NOT FALLING PREY TO THREATENING & BULLYING – Every child is innocent. You threaten them & they get flagerblasted, scared , depressed. And more if they are threatened for their parents, siblings or any near ones. Assure them that you are forever by their side😊 to believe them, protect them & LOVE ❤️ them no matter what.

4) GET REAL & PROACTIVE👍 PLEASE – For God’s sake, Your sake, for your Child’s😘 sake don’t ever think that such incidents would never occur with your child. Get REAL PLEASE, your child can be attacked by anyone, anytime & any where. So be PROACTIVE everyday & convince your child to ellaborately tell you about their day out specially when the child is out of your sight. And if you smell😶 the slightest of discomfort or danger, put on your running shoes and get into ACTION. Don’t delay and pleaseeeeee don’t PROCRASTINATE 😴.

5) BE AWARE OF CHILD & SAFETY LAWS – Yesss you will have to do that, study that, inspite of you finding it boring 😏 or tedious. Be aware of the current LAWS protecting a Child or a victim in Sexual Assault . This will EMPOWER you and make you more confident & vigilant.

6) SELF DEFENCE LESSONS👻 – Instead of getting into the educational system trap of competitiveness, of who scores more in the exams and sending your child to 4 different tutions, alter their timetable & send them to a TAEKWONDO🤺 class. Sounds funny ?? Get SERIOUS. At the least your child will be fit, active and will kick🤸 some asses how ineffective it may be, but still building up their CONFIDENCE😊. And yes tell your child never to be ashamed of creating a HAVOC if they find themselves in a defenceless situation. It will gather crowd and things may not go far & damaging.

7) BE READY TO KICK SOME ASS – Don’t you watch action movie guys ???. Gear up then. If need arises to protect your child, go get FIT, get some KARATE tips and kick the balls out of the offender😡.

Phewww😥 I Seriously am shit scared & shaking inside thinking about such stuff’s. Imagine a child going through it. It’s so Physically & Psychologically damaging😣 for them.
I conclude by saying that you as a Parent or if not even a Parent to anyone, if you know or come across such situation or any innocent child victim or any Terrified parents, be a HELP to them. Because you never know you could be GOD SENT😇 to them.

By Madhura ❤️❤️

Pic Courtesy – pinterest

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You😊 are supposed to walk away from anyone who is a threat to your dignity even if you love❤️ them like hell. It’s not healthy for your well being. It drags you down & makes you believe that you are not good enough for your self. So staighten your slipping 👑 Crown & walk away with Grace.

” He looked into my eyes
To bid me good bye
He kissed me on my lips
Said it was the last as I cried😢.

He flipped my hair
And wiped my 😪tears
I could feel his breath
As he held me near.

I asked why he’s leaving
Is there any fault of mine
My love❤️ is loyal
And eternal beyond time.

He didn’t reply
He didn’t say a word
He stood there still
And nothing I heard.

I then restrained my ache
And calmed my heart❤️
I ceased my tears
And kept them apart.

Why should I burn my self
With pain and fear
For the one who is leaving
And doesn’t even care.

I stared deep into him
As I straightened my 👑 crown
I walked away with strength
From the man who put me down “.

By Madhura ❤️❤️

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